
Welcome to the internet presence of my ceramic studio
I am glad that you visit my internet presence. On my homepage I would like to give you an impression of the spectrum of my ceramic work.
First, in a nutshell, some information about my job:
I have acquired my knowledge and skills in drawing, designing with clay and material science in independent art schools - among others with Prof. Maria Geszler-Garzuly, Harald Jegodzienski, Jürg Bächtold, Karin Stegmaier, Petra Bittl, Patrick King, Dr. med. Zsuzsanna Füzesi Heierli, Andreas Hinder, Ross DeWayne Campbell and others.

I mainly work in the wide field of ceramic art and finished sculptures, reliefs, artistically designed bowls and garden objects. I do not make any utility ceramics. My works are all unique, that is, each work is individually handcrafted, there are no mass-production or impressions. Occasionally, I make handcrafted variants for the same motif. 

Sometimes I experiment with different materials and techniques, eg glass, bronze casting and welding.

My ceramics arise from creative passion. As a creative person I am fascinated by painting and above all the design with clay:

A work according to your own imagination or model or template according to your own ideas under your own hands arise to see and create!

It is not only the shape of a ceramic, but already the choice of material and the final treatment of the surface, which shape the overall impression of a work of art.

I am a member of the association FeminArt, a circle of Büttelborn artists.

In addition, I teach lessons for beginners and advanced students in the framework of the adult education center. If you are interested, you are welcome to contact the Kreisvolkshochschule Groß-Gerau or me.

Among the selected works you will find some representative examples of my sculptures and various garden objects. You will also find experimental work with other materials and techniques.

I hope you enjoy the following pages and would be glad to hear from you or to read your e-mail.

Thanks for your interest!
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